How to pick a DAO to collaborate with

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Understanding your why

In Simon Sinek’s “Find Your Why: A Practical Guide for Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team. He states the following:

“The goal for an organization is to know its WHY in order to attract the right birds. And the goal for each team within the company is to make sure that they have the right birds in each nest—those who will work together most effectively to contribute to the organization’s higher purpose and cause.”

Simon Sinek “Find Your Why: A Practical Guide for Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team".

The above quote sums up the trifecta of how to frame your thinking when you’re looking to join a DAO. However, most people don’t pay attention to their why and often end up in situations where they’re working for a company or starting a business that doesn’t resonate with their intrinsic value. It doesn’t work that way with DAOs.


DAOs are heavily mission-driven, and it’s the mission that acts as the primary hook for catching your interest. It’s that same mission that drives you to become a contributor even if financial rewards aren’t available in the immediate future or at all.